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Make Limoncello Out of Lemons

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

For years I wanted to travel internationally and for years it never happened, whether it was affordability, care taking responsibilities or not having enough time off from work, there was always a reason to put it off until next year. In 2013 my mom passed away; I realized life was precious and at any moment it can be gone. One month later my husband and I booked our 1st transatlantic trip together to Rome.  I knew he and I needed something to look forward to and something to look back on later in the year as something wonderful happening in the midst of the sadness.  In May we were off to Rome take part in our first amazing journey together.  It was going to be picturesque. I was guaranteed amazing pics because my hair was laid, I had taken pictures of all my outfits with all the jewelry accessories I was going to take, and you know what happened, our luggage was left in Atlanta!  Our close to landmarks hotel was further away from all the landmarks then noted on the sites, we had no clothes, and on the 1st day Cj had eaten something that didn’t agree with him, and oh did I mention it started raining.  This sucks!  I quit! This was a bad idea!  This is the worst thing that can ever happen!  At that very moment of defeat I realized this wasn’t the worst thing that could happen; no, the worst that could happen, already happened when I lost my mother.  At that moment I decided to change my mindset and take advantage of the wonderful opportunity that was in front of me.  I was in a country with amazing history and culture, and incredible wine.  I put on a pair of my husband’s pants, we grabbed an umbrella and found the nearest bus line. We decided we were going to make limoncello out of lemons!  We went shopping for new clothes, found foods that CJ could eat, ate fragola gelato, and yes drank lots of limoncello!  To this day Rome is still one of my favorite trips.

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